September 27, 2024 *update/uploads* (TL;DR version)
a.k.a. Downloads Available On This Page
November 17 2024:
– Here is the “transformed/marked-up/critiqued legal section”: 31 pages
2024_1117_NCCCH_RedBook_MarkedUpDuringLIVEp31.pdf ~10MB
– Here is a 4 hour video of critique-in-progress and finishing the markup:
A scan of the Limited Edition Red Book (version) VII, PDF File, ~20MB
While updating this page and adding the ‘test’ files below a “Memo” (mis-titled “Letterhead”) came in from Criminal Justice Standards. More “illegal” nonsense. But, to not “hurt their feelings too bad” I’ll (DW) say this: If you are NOT an instructor (NC CCH) or have not taken a “full class” from a Certified Instructor you should not download the test files below. Behave! Here’s the “Letterhead” to Instructors (PDF): 2024_0927_MEMO_CCH.Letterhead
Microsoft Word 3-Page “Written Exam” from the “latest” Red Book (VIII):
* “citizen” changed to “person” – edit and change the instructor info and date – we have our students answer on these pages then scan them. (The FIRST and most important part of the test: write your name at the top of all three pages.)
Microsoft Word 1-Page “Written Exam Answer Sheet” (versions VI-VIII):
* Replaced by the 3-Page file above in ~2018-2019
The ANSWERS or “Answer KEY” for the Test (Written Exam, IV-VIII):
MSWord doc: 2024_0927_NCCCH_WrittenTest_Answer_KEY_VI_to_VIII
Adobe PDF: 2024_0927_NCCCH_WrittenTest_Answer_KEY_VI_to_VIII
Dean Wiley’s Slide Show (MS Powerpoint, zip compressed) updated March 2021, ~27MB:
* Based on a very old “NRA Basic Pistol Class” set of slides, combined with made by me/us (Dean Wiley, Candace W., Patrick R. Jesse A., Steven F. and others) “Red Book” slides and others. “How-To BEFORE Why or Why Not (to)” (Practical before law). Free for anyone to use, modify, whatever. Please let us know if you do ( ) Several “Chad T says…” quotes in the legal section – Chad Thompson “used to” run the program and “Certify Instructors” (until retirement from The North Carolina Justice Academy in late 2022).
*** End 09/27/2024 Update / Downloads Section ***
A “backup” of “The Red Book” (2020, [version] VII (7), “Limited/Accidentally-Released Edition,” hole-punched and [plastic] spiral-wire bound, contains the “Answers” to the “Test”). In the “official” VII-Version that came out later, “glue bound,” the answer sheet/key and “Chad Thompson’s” improvements/corrections were removed. I “may/might” put up my “marked-up or annotated” version… maybe… someday…
For “Educational, Informative, Archive, and/or ‘backup'” purposes ONLY.
(( Next section updated May 22, 2024 2:05PM – DO NOT buy VIII )))
You – dear reader of this web-page – should:
—NOT visit the North Carolina Justice Academy Bookstore website/pages and order yourself a copy of the latest “paper” version of their “Good Enough For Government Work” (rated at most 2/5 -100/5 stars by Dean Wiley) “Red Book”: (link removed 5.22.24)
— email:
the “Division” (current director J. Smythe) at
the “Instructor Developer” responsible for the book and the program at NCJA Alex Cobb at
CCH “Program” (something) Bob Overton at
With the subject: VIII Red Book is “ILLEGAL”
You can NOT give legal advice that could get people “killed” and give the killers a potential “advice of GOVERNMENT” defense.
( add all that copyright “stuff” that every one likes to be distracted by )
Sign with your real name and contact information.
On page 2 when discussing the “big four” (justified use of force (including deadly)) “they” have decided that they know better than 400+ years of every court in many countries, (sovereign Nation) States, empires, and colonies, because they have replaced the term “ordinary firmness” with “ordinary intelligence“. (Verified over the phone with “Kim” at the Bookstore 5.22.24 1:57PM)
It is “just funny” that ex-POTUS reminded everyone in a recent campaign speech of: Hannibal Lecter (Silence Of The Lambs, 1991).
VIII = “Never mind ordinary – Dr. Lecter is a person of Extra-Oridinary (extraordinary) Intelligence.” So, would “he” agree with your “threat assessment”?
It would seem like a thing that a “loon” (what the Crazy Hospital Boss, Dr. Chilton, in the movie called Lecter) would do: Buy a VIII Red Book, go kill someone, and have ten million people of “ordinary or extraordinary intelligence” (but “crazy as a loon”) as “expert witness in their defense” as well as their lawyers flap the thing around in Court saying “North Carolina (Justice Academy / DOJ) TOLD MY CLIENT TO!!!!” (or, that they “OK-ed it!”)
Here’s another thing that Dean Wiley says (and has written to many MANY “lawyers” and others at DOJ – including because of this and other “CCH Nonsense” Josh Stein hisself:
If you can NOT explain what “a person of ordinary firmness” is, then you MAY NOT “possess guns” or Teach others about force, especially “deadly” which to most American’s means “gun”.
The “incompetence and ego-driven apathy” in government is here evidenced again.
Ignoring (“Ignorance”) The Law does NOT grant you forgiveness from The Law.
Here – EXACTLY – is what THE LAW says:
2022 State v. MCLYMORE (page 8):
NC Pattern Jury Instructions – UNC School of Government
( note – see below re “citizen stupidity” and other “comments/complaints” )
with the Subject “RED BOOK FREE” and the entire body being “MAKE THE RED BOOK FREE!” and your “true identity” in the signature. DO NOT “bomb or repeat” your “one petition email” and do not add any other words. (…One bite at a time.)
The [D]RE[A]D Book VII 2020 – “Limited or Mistake” Edition
19,306,199 bytes (~19MB)
Notes by Dean Wiley
There is, was, and appears always will be, ‘a matter of great import(ance) or controversy’ surrounding the Copyright “claim/notice” contained in the “Red Book”. First and foremost: CAN the State (NC, through NCDOJ via NCJA, at the ‘convolution’ of a myriad of “committees, commissions, agents, employees, and (yes) prisoners” all “wards/employees” of the government) “properly” claim “copyright”:
— to/on a work that is 100% tax payer funded?
— to/on a work that contains NO original or ‘proprietary’ concepts/statements; and only contains freely available “public information” such as often out of date or incorrect “misquotes of law[s]” that can be shown to be in error by simple looking up of the law on the internet?
— that they have ‘no excuse’ for not publishing the electronic version (for free) that is used to ‘print’ the paper copy other than: “No. We make money off it.”?
— to an “out of print, never should have been printed/released” – but it was by the government’s own incompetence and mismanagement – version of ‘a work’?
— on a work (book in this case) that within the work itself and recently updated “Administrative Code” the government DEMANDS and ORDERS that the content of the book MUST be “reproduced” verbally and in slideshows or (implied) “any/all other means” to be “used” during the delivery of “a class” (or “during the course”)? The express written instruction/demand/order, in its plain English reading, “self-cancels” the “copyright” claim and instructions.
Please see the email ‘request’ above for you to email J. Smythe and DEMAND that the book be made FREE. Please, everyone interested in “less unlawful/unwarranted government intrusion, corruption and ‘over burdensome’ regulation” in “our lives” take this “one/first bite” to “eat the Elephant” of Corruption and Tyranny (of stupidity) that is the NC Government (top to bottom, at “every political sub-division thereof”).
I will – at some point in time – make my “best effort” to upload a fully marked-up and annotated “version”. The Red Book is truly one more example of so many clichés about “government employees”. Especially, those in the periphery of “Law Enforcement” or “Law Enforcement Training/Instruction” that WRONGLY think they have some form of “immunity”.
The most important ‘edit’ or ‘notation’ that becomes the “too much time spent on that” topic of many (MANY!) of my North Carolina Concealed Carry Handgun classes/courses: CITIZENSHIP IS NOT REQUIRED (and/or the ascertaining of Citizenship). All of “The(e) Documents” say “We The People” – NOT we the “Citizens”.
“The purpose of this block of instruction… …to the citizen…”
– Red Book, Page 4, the first “real sentence” in the book
“Nothing that starts that bad can end up good.” -me, my version of:
“Everyone then who hears these words of mine and does them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house, but it did not fall, because it had been founded on the rock. And everyone who hears these words of mine and does not do them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. And the rain fell, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell, and great was the fall of it.”
– Matthew 7 24-27 (ESV)
“It is NOT ONLY about pulling our shirts over our guns. That is just what brought us together for this little Slice Of Destiny.” -me