March 2025 NC PPS Recertification Notes

We did handgun only recertification on March 10. We are doing Handgun and Shotgun recertification on March 17. Here’s some of the notes, links, pointers and discussion topics from the 10th that the people on the 17th get the benefit of “pre-gaming” with.

Changes are coming to the Administrative Code – June 2025

see: – scroll down to the Public Hearing Notices.

Important for (Security) Guard and Patrol: “The First Four Hours” of the Basic (“unarmed”) training will be required before an officer (guard) can be placed on a site. The “50 days” loophole will be closed.

Important for Close Personal Protection: read the details in the Notice.

Because “Notices” vanish from the PPSB site, here’s a copy:
Notice of Text for 14B NCAC 16 .0701, .0707, .0801, .1203, .1301, .1307, .1401, .1501, .1502

Re-Certification is “Test O’clock”

The “fours” that you are supposed to know and be able to “recertify” on/about that most people can’t:

The four steps of the draw
– or “Five” if “concealed” (Step Zero?)

The four fundamental or cardinal RULES of Firearm Safety
– NO! Rule 3 is not “…until ready to shoot”! That is NRA “Eddie Eagle” stuff for “real children” at highly controlled shooting ranges where the “concepts” of shooting PEOPLE are never to be mentioned (or even thought of).

The four “points” of the “Low Light Operating Philosophy”

The Big Four (almost expired five) “What we DO” (in Private Security under 74C)
– see the above link to PPSB’s Law and Rules page, scroll to the “NCGS Chapter 74C – PPSB Statute” link. Then click/tap the dag-gone link and READ THE LAW!

Our (Dean’s) Four types of LIABILITY that 74C offers NO (none, zilch) “immunity” from:
– Criminal, Civil, and (Two-Part) “Real World” (1) That’s your job. Can you “really” afford to get fired? (2) That’s your a$$. Can you “really” afford to get it kicked (or get yourself killed by setting up “justified defense” for someone else)? (Or, just “pissing them off” so much that they kick your butt or kill you “illegally?”)


The BIG FOUR of “Justified Self Defense (Using “Deadly or Lethal” Force)



  1. (You reasonably believed that) There was an imminent threat of death of great bodily harm (or injury) (to an “innocent party”*)
    * You are ONLY “an innocent party” if you are “lawfully” (fully within the law and all administrative codes) where (and how) you were when the force was used. ** You carrying a “not registered” gun while on duty BREAKS this.
  2. A person of “ordinary firmness” (reasonable, average, not crazy) would agree with your threat assessment (above or “at one”).
  3. You did not “start the fight”. (voluntarily escalate, provoke) Doing your job “lawfully” (guards – security or body) is NOT starting a fight. Doing “not your job” illegally/unlawfully is “starting or escalating.”
  4. NO excessive force. Study all 3 above and both of the jury instructions. Buy books. Consult “professionals” (police are not professionals you should consult, they have “immunity” and you DO NOT). Read ALL of the internets.

== Topics / Issues that came up on March 10 ==
== (and probably will again on the 17th) ==

You might eventually “win” the lawsuit (and all related appeals) but can you “afford” (financially, mentally, emotionally, spiritually) to “survive” the lawsuit?

“Employees”: is your boss and/or their insurers paying for YOUR lawyers? And, are you “really” AOK and warm and fuzzy about getting ALL of your co-workers immediately out of work and having YOU(r company) on their resume so they can’t get more work and feed their children? (next)

Idaho: “Goons” got their whole company fired (lost their license) and everyone is going to get sued:

“Ability, Jeopardy, Opportunity…”
This is lawyer talk. Don’t fill your mind with all those “cool terms” if you don’t have the “basics” (BIG FOUR justified) down. Let your lawyer decide if these “sub-definitions in some jurisdictions or ‘departments(1)'” are necessary “At One” (imminent threat of death…). (1) These are more often discussed in the “indemnification” (private insurance) or “qualified limited immunity” (government agents/actors) categories. There are “disparities/caveats at one” that “prequalify” the “imminent threat” and/or “ability, jeopardy, opportunity” questions that are (seemingly) never mentioned: disparity of numbers; disparity of size; disparity of sexes; known reputation and more. **Always necessary “legal disclaimer”: We are NOT “offering legal advise.” We are telling you to PAY FOR SOME at an Attorney’s office and get the answers IN WRITING. Also: get IN WRITING from your private insurance companies answers about “how much deep detail do [I/We] have to have memorized” for you to “cover” me: Workman’s Compensation, Legal Defense Expenses (Civil and/or Criminal)? You don’t want to find out “after a shooting” that you are not “indemnified” because you “knew the wrong words/terminology.”

“Duty to Retreat”
N.C. is NOT a “duty to retreat” state. “…as long as you were lawfully where you were when the force was used…”

“Don’t shoot a [very good or perfect] ‘group’ or ‘score’.”
– …it can be used against you in court. -They. They are WRONG. Ask “They” to provide a “case” where that has EVER happened.
* Here’s one where “they” tried and FAILED: ( this is the ‘disciplinary hearing’ case, not the court cases that weren’t heard or allowed )
– “I (instructor/trainer/range-officer) won’t ‘count’ your score unless I can count each individual bullet hole.” You have to do what these [ idiots | “range Nazis” | fools | bullies ] say because: you paid them to “qualify/certify you.” We (IMFs) strongly suggest when in the Company of These Giants: Shoot a perfect spiral ( @ ). If you are shooting “perfect 100s” anyway, then the “challenge” should be fun and “stress inoculating.”

EPIC FAIL[s] with security officers/guards… *sigh* again…

10,000 words as “excuses” from “guards” for NOT “making” the “bosses” get their Armed registration applications done in Permitium and the “guards” having to(“being forced to” they say) work ILLEGALLY. (Queue Dean YELLING: If “we” are going to be criminals can “we” not do it for 15$ per hour? It’s a risk-reward thing?) Then comes the whole “The ends justify the means” excuse making, denial, lying, foolishness. “We get away with what we get away with. Until we don’t.” From people who have “passed multiple written tests” about “Item a or 1 of their Law Defined Job Description”: detect and prevent (crime).

So far all of the “just security guards” that we (IMFs) have asked in the last 2 months about “how many times have you practiced [anything gun]?” The answer is 100%* “ZERO.” *One said they had done the Gun-Fu/Karate (“empty hands”) “things a couple of times.”

EPIC FAIL(ure) of “understanding” by “Employees” *sigh* again…
“We are in a service industry…”

Especially in N.C., but “everywhere” in general: The customer (“client”) is always right. If the client says they don’t want [person/you] to be their “guard” (body or security) then you “are off the schedule.” (Not “fired, terminated, separated, let go, laid off” or any other of the ‘words’.) Why “Especially in N.C.”? Because N.C. is an “at will state.” If “your boss” fires you for anything including “no reason” that’s TOO BAD. If they have reason (“for cause”) like you “did something offensive to the/a client” then… well, you get a reason (that in N.C. they don’t “have to” give you).

There is more, and will be after the 17th. That’s enough for now…