April 11-13 2021 NC PPSB Armed Full and Re-Certification Course

Sunday, April 11, 2021 through Tuesday, April 13, 2021 we will be conducting a North Carolina Private Protective Services Firearms Certification Class/Course. This is a TWENTY classroom hours certification course for handguns (no shotgun or rifle training). Day 3 – Monday – includes recertification for handguns.



The starting time for all three days (Sunday-Tuesday) is: Eleven (11:00) A.M. and all days start at the classroom. Sunday and Monday “classroom” will end at approximately Seven (7:00) P.M. – Seven-Thirty (7:30) P.M. depending on participants “meal break” time.

Complete course schedule and requirements here (Adobe PDF document): 2021_0411_IMFs_PPS_Armed_3DayCourseOutlineRequirements

All full-course participants MUST have ALL of their equipment (guns, holsters, magazines, flashlights, belts) ready to train with at 11AM on Sunday April 11. We begin “practical” training IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT bring live ammunition into the “classroom”.

The cost per participant/student is starting at the “3-4 participants” discount rate because of self-paying guards and company/self-paying guards from Black Box Security ( https://blackboxsecurity.us/ ) and Lolair Protection Agency ( http://www.lolairprotectionagency.com/ ):
$220.00 $195 (includes $20 range fee to H2O Fowl Farms) for full certification
$120.00 $120 (includes $20 range fee to H2O Fowl Farms) for recertification
See our NCPPS[B] page.

( * ) Range set-up and clean-up including “at least as much brass/cases as we shoot” is required. If you don’t want to clean-up including picking up brass bring $20.00 more for “range fee” to pay someone else to do it for you. If you don’t want to pay more or set-up and clean-up: Get your PPSB certification some where else.

Contact IMFs Corp to sign up or for more information:
(910) 892 – 1616
(Do not contact H2O Fowl Farms, IMFs is the “coordinator” for this course.)

The classroom portion is being held at Consolidated Underwriters at their 206 South Wilson Avenue, Dunn, NC, 28334 location. Please park in the rear of the building. http://goo.gl/maps/QR6KG

DO NOT bring live ammunition into the classroom. -= NO BULLETS!! =-

Range training and Qualification is to be at H2O Fowl Farms. This is an outdoor range. Dress appropriately and bring a lot of water.

H2O’s website: http://h2ofowlfarmsnc.com/

Sat Feb 6 2021 Mostly Womens Concealed Carry Invitational (Mostly)

On Saturday, February 6, 2021 we will be holding a “Mostly Women’s Defense including Lethal/Deadly Force Handgun-Centric ‘Clinic'” packaged as a Mostly Women’s North Carolina Concealed Carry Handgun (CCH) (mostly) class. This class starts at 9:00a.m. and should finish by 7:00-7:30p.m. The price for this class: is in the invitation.

Mostly Women’s because some of the ‘ladies’ significant others/spouses are “auditing”. Mostly it’s for the ladies…



This course is being conducted under the “Modified Stay At Home Orders” by, and the most recent orders from, the NC government for “Operating Businesses during the Coronavirus Pandemic.” Face coverings (masks) will be available and REQUIRED. Limited seating – invitation only. All contact surfaces regularly ‘disinfected/sanitized’.


This class is being hosted by:
Consolidated Underwriters
206 South Wilson Avenue
Dunn, NC 28334
Google Maps (Short URL): http://goo.gl/maps/QR6KG
Please park in the back.



May 7, 2016 Gun Powder Gals

It was my privilege and honor to work with this great bunch of Gals back in April (rained-out) and today at the Gun Powder Gals Women’s Only Practical Tactical Clinic.  Thanks to every one of you, and extra-thanks to Candy Sugarman.
~ Dean Wiley

Here’s the scores/results and complicated-technical “Stage Briefs” for their first timed event and two mini-match stages.  (Adobe PDF): 2016_0507_GunPowderGalsPracticalTactical

A few things to remember from our time together:

Women shoot better and can hold their guns out there longer because: “We hold babies [like that].”  Mystery demystified 🙂

When in doubt about what to do with your non-shooting (support) hand, put it over your heart / don’t put it near the gun.  No crossing thumbs, especially all the way behind a handgun.  No “support or bracing” (cup-saucer, elbows or arms set on a surface).  Seattle police shootout Dec. 2015 – 2:58-3:08 notice the 45-to-90 degree muzzle flip: https://youtu.be/OOycGq3R5Lk?t=2m54s

The Gun Powder Gals (Candy Sugarman):
Web: http://www.gunpowdergals.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gunpowdergals

The shooting range we used was H2O Fowl Farms – hunting, shooting, 2nd Saturday IDPA matches, training/clinics:
Web: http://www.h2ofowlfarmsnc.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/h2ofowlfarms

Concealed Carry North Carolina Firearms Group:
Web: http://www.concealedcarrynorthcarolina.com/
Facebook (must be logged in): https://www.facebook.com/fundamentalsafety
— Dean Wiley:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dean.wiley.319
linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deanlwiley
— Patrick Riley:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/patrick.riley.393

And, now, I must end this – gotta go do mothers day stuff.  I thank you ladies again and wish you all Happy Mother’s Day!  Sorry for the long delay in getting this posted – got to “play date” with the Grands after our little thing yesterday and then Computers, internet, servers, the Great “Why Can’t I Just… Argh!” happened.
~ Dean, 5/8/16