Efforts RE (now against) PPSB 2024 UAGT Notification

( By Dean Wiley March 16, 2024 – updated March 17 12:15AM )

Too Long Didn’t Read version

The Private Protective Services Board (PPSB) is “Proposing a change” to the Administrative Code that will require (exactly) FIVE DAYS notice “to the Director” before a “Unarmed Guard Class.”

The “Public Comment Period” about this change ends on April 11, 2024. Any one that has “thoughts” about this one way or the other should:

Send an email to PPSB Director Paul Sherwin as follows:
TO: paul.sherwin@ncdps.gov
SUBJECT: Proposed Changes to 0707
I am [for or against] the proposed change to “notification for in person classes”.
[any other information or reasoning]
Your Name (real names only please)
[ If you are a ‘regulated by PPSB person’ and want to give them that information, add it to your ‘signature block’ ]

Original Long Version Below (with a few ‘updates’)

As soon as the NCDOJ’s CJS Division got “shut down” about “pre-delivery reports” of notification of when and where classes were to be held: The North Carolina Private Protective Services Board (PPSB) decides to take a stab at it (in the back, in the dark, illegally ‘masked’ in a lie about terminology clarification).

see: http://imfscorp.com/july-2023-efforts-against-nc-cch-proposed-changes/

Here’s the “Proposed Rule Change” to Administrative Code 14B NCAC 16 (Rule) .0707 Training Requirements for Unarmed Security Guards Notice of Text and Public Hearing 14B NCAC 16.0707 (retrieved 03.16.2024 7:45A unchanged from original Jan? upload).

The “Public Comment Period” ends April 11, 2024

The “notice” (above) says that a Public Hearing was to be held February 20, 2024 at 2:00PM. This, too, is “in error” in violation of NC General Statute [§] 150B. The hearing can not be held two months before the close of “Public Comment”.

Here is my latest and last written “comment and objection” to the PPSB acknowledged by Director Paul Sherwin as “received”: 2024_0307_PPSB_150B_Comment_0707_ProposedChanges
( Word docx format if you want to modify it and submit it yourself: 2024_0307_PPSB_150B_Comment_0707_ProposedChanges )

TO: All Trainers; All Licensees; All potential “PPSB Regulated” people, especially those that “may” one day want to become a Certified Trainer

Send in your comments – IN WRITING! – and/or send in a WRITTEN DEMAND to be heard “by voice” before or during the April PPSB “meetings” (law/rules committee or full). If you don’t: you won’t have “legs to stand on” (exhaust the administrative process) after they “sneak” this five day (exactly) notification requirement through for your 16-Hour Basic or “Unarmed” courses.

= = =

( More ‘history’ and details from emails later )

Question: Why ‘fight’ this when you have always sent “Pre- and Post- Delivery (Notification) Reports” for your Armed Courses?


  • Notification was required for ‘gun’ classes when I signed up to be a Firearms Trainer. I “went into it” fully knowing.
  • Notification has never been required for Basic or UnArmed classes/courses.
  • Notification for Basic classes/courses has never been discussed as an “unofficial” idea seeking public – including in-industry “private people and business effected in a burdensome way” – input.
  • The Board (members that are also ‘committee members’ of CJS Division) seeks to “intrude and interfere” in Private Commerce for (I truly believe) utterly immoral, illegal, unlawful, and/or “just stupid” reasons**.
    ** Licensee Board members “stealing” names of Trainers and other Licensees and/or Companies’ employees and other “industrial espionage”. Government intrusion and interference (tyranny) for “the sake of it; because we can.” Stupid = (as stated in my Comment and Objection letter above) The inclusion of “in-person” class notification may be a “typo.”
  • The Board is not now – and never will be – “invited or allowed” to “audit” my/our classes because my/our classes adhere to the letters of the law and code and ‘use’ their materials – with much more time spent pointing out “flaws” (dangerous mis-informations/mistakes, nonsense, typos, impractical/unrealistic “guidance”, misstatements of law [see power of arrest, assistance to LE, stricken 1989]) that all of the Board (many years, members and staff) don’t seem to notice or care about. My/our classes are delivered from a “We have to know this stuff because the Board will ‘quiz’ us on it” but “We have to be able to use the time to also ‘teach’ some real-world practical PRIVATE business realities” not from a “Good enough for government work as a government ‘instructor'” mentality.
  • The Board “may not” intrude upon “private business” in some misguided idea of “surprise audits”. (See NCCCH “nipped in the bud” above) I “pay for” the seats in my classes (room rent, sometimes per seat/person), and the Government CAN NOT “just show up” and cost me/us extra money. Even if they “could” – We would require them to PAY for their ‘seat’ in the class and sign a “personal” (not government agency” GUARANTEE that they won’t use the “real, correct information” received in our class to “fix” the above “errors” in their materials and/or “improve their position or pay or status at the PPSB as an employee without crediting and paying appropriate contract fees and royalties.” We already do – and always have – PAID (for) THEM to make this mess. They are not going to “steal” in the name of “audit” a way to “look less incompetent and apathetic.”

( Again, more later, I have to go to a Train-The-Trainer ‘meeting’ for UAGTs. 8:19AM 3.16.2024 )

Dean Wiley video review request – CarryTrainer youTube Ep 68 – 4.9/5 or ZERO!

(from Dean Wiley, December 20, 2023)

Yesterday I received an email from a friend with the subject “I want your opinion” with the body only a link to: CarryTrainer (youTube channel/title) “5 Tips for Shooting More Accurately With A Handgun | Episode #68” uploaded on March 8, 2019 with 1,990,760 views as I write this. Please, anyone and everyone, go watch the video: LISTEN to what he says and pay attention to MOST of what he demonstrates. Get him over 2,000,000 views ASAP. Like, subscribe and “bell thingy” him/his-channel. Without (to me) some ABSOLUTE SHOW STOPPERS: I rate the video 4.9 out of 5(.0) “stars or rates or likes.”

Without further to-do and/or ‘caveat’ here’s the video (2023 youTube link/share format): https://youtu.be/fHr9kt2VwY4?si=cN7H9zT52vWKOEu5

Yin in/and The Art of Gun-Man-Ship 5/5 rating

Everything he says about “[master] grip” is all that and then some.

The short, sweet and super-clear explanation with ‘demonstration aids’ of “sighting” is 100%.

The “stance stuff” makes my heart go pitter-pat.

Yin? (said like a question) in/and The Art of Gun-Man-Ship 4.9/5 rating

I am “amazed” at the super-man-hands ability of his to “thumb hook” work the slide. It is something that I am “not for”. I am equally amazed at his ability to “Beretta Underneath-Style” work the slide on a Glock. Load, Reload, Malfunction drill while “maintaining the two-handed grip… mostly.” These two ‘feats’ didn’t go into Yin-Period because these are ‘feats’ that not everyone can do.

“Obsessive Press-Checking.” You do you. It is certainly better to be sure (“safe”) than sorry. There are other ways to verify a “round chambered” that do not require taking the gun “out of battery.”

Not “harped on” by him but I find myself very “impressed” by:
– Cross dominate (eye) and doesn’t make a big deal about it, and doesn’t move his head to the gun (or behind it)
– Dry-fire “frozen faced” over the need/ability to “shoot with both eyes open”
* Please, CarryTrainer (or someone get him the request): zoom a camera to your face while shooting an unfamiliar “stage” or “course of fire” and let’s see for ourselves if both eyes remain open and blinking in sync. I say use an unfamiliar stage or course because if you are “thinking (consciously) about two eyes open” then you are going to shoot that way.

It (two-eye-open-shooting) is a “valid” request and question. The(e) World Famous Chad (T 9LL Only) Thompson “insists” on two eyes open shooting, and until we “high speed and hi-def” photographed and video recorded him (cameras on tripods down range, no humans) “truly believed” that he was. The pictures and videos tell a different story. While moving the trigger his left eye “shutters/flutters”. Sometimes it’s partially. Sometimes it’s fully. Never is it never (or both eyes open).

Chad Thompson – Draw with Live Fire – at youTube. Pause at the ‘facing’ shot at approximately 1 minute 11 seconds (1:11) and do frame forward-back and watch that left eye with different levels of ‘zoom’.

Of note for me (an “out of the closet one eye open one closed shooter”): When shooting through an “optic” (red dot or other) I find myself with both eyes open. It just happens.

YANG!!! in/and The Art of Gun-Man-Ship ZERO/5 rating

Most net-izens have checked out already and are (thankfully) on their third or fifth “rabbit hole” video from CarryTrainer and/or Chad Thompson. So, here I go with my “show stoppers” that “just ruin it for me.”

There are NO exceptions to NEVER and ALWAYS. -me (regarding the FOUR* Fundamental/Cardinal RULES of Firearm Safety). NO EXCEPTIONS!!!

NO! ( 4:38 )

Screenshot 2023-12-20 124054

NO!! ( 5:40 )

Screenshot 2023-12-20 122818

..and OH HELL NO!!!!111!! ( 5:30 )

Screenshot 2023-12-20 124141

The first two are what I call “The Praying Hands Posture” (at “Three”). In my own sexist and unscientific “studies” I note: Women do this a lot more than men. DO NOT do the “Praying Hands” at three with your gun pointed upwards in front of your face or worse: UNDER YOUR CHIN.

The third (that came in the video before the 2nd but I watched the whole thing twice in spite of “The Show Stopper Rule(s)”) is “Charlie’s Angels” or “Book ‘Em, Danno!” (HI-5-0).

In all three, ask yourself this: What would happen *IF* that gun went off right then? In the first two: a hole in a ceiling (and roof?) that could not have gotten ‘drilled’ there otherwise. In the third: the same hole and BLIND IN BOTH EYES. The ‘flash’, fire, smoke and brass would come out across your “lookin balls” (~Thee Chad T 9LL Only).

Rule 2:
– ( Old Way – and USMC post-1.1.2020 ) NEVER point your gun at anything you are not WILLING to KILL or DESTROY.
– ( New Post-1986 Way ) ALWAYS point your [banned/redacted] in a SAFE direction.

Rule 4: KNOW your target, what is around it, and beyond it. Everything you WILLFULLY (see 2 old/USMC way) point a gun at IS a target.

If I owned the indoor range that CarryTrainer was using: he would be “banned” pending demonstration of proper “good habits” that adhere to the four rules.

A video offering “contrition and acknowledgement” of a complacency or “bad habit(s)” put to rest would be a Great thing. He has a rather large audience and following.

Also, to “minimize” it, to an “optimization” and not have to “take credit/blame” for something/anything as We The People are self-entitled to: Call it “acknowledgement” of the saying that (1) is most often attributed to “Master [Bruce] Lee” and (2) Chad Thompson used in his video (above), “Speed is the economy of motion.” I noticed that when “pressing out” from three-to-four (center to extension) CarryTrainer “Dolphin Jumps” or “Dolphins” the gun. That arc costs precious 100ths!!! Kilt on the skreets!

If the gun is ALWAYS (with NO exception) pointed at a target of your WILLFUL AND DELIBERATE choosing then you can wiggle your finger at “three/center” and “stop your threat”. And, if your finger “accidentally” wiggles at three you won’t shoot your foolish face off and/or your upstairs neighbor and/or your shooting ranges ceiling (and roof).

= = =

Well, Friend (The Good King) George (H.). There it is. 4.9 or 5.0 stars/hearts/thumbs/etc UNTIL…

September 3, 2017. Another friend “asked/told” me to “opine” about something similar. No “Lady Cops” took us up on the/a offer for Good Training FREE!!!! (without caveat and/or asterisk – truly free). No jobs or contracts for me at NCJA 🙁

Lady Cop “workspace” working (broken-heart emoji) https://www.facebook.com/dean.wiley.319/posts/pfbid0jVvp2dFgrfgbXyekpLubwb18WdgSx9AkAJja1dWFahofHjbb2V3AsEkEQ4cTv3Kul

My “two range rules” (that are really Life Rules): Be Safe, Have Fun. (If you are not being safe I am NOT having fun.)


July 2023 Efforts AGAINST NC CCH Proposed Changes

From: Dean Wiley, President/CEO, “Lead Trainer/Instructor”
July 6, 2023

( 09/02/23 Scroll down a lot for the ‘new-new’ way to submit a Request For Legislative Review or Delayed Effective Date )

If ‘we’ (the people) do not fight** the “proposed changes” to N.C.’s Concealed Carry Handgun (CCH) Laws* (*Rules, “The Administrative Code, no proposed edit or amendment to “The Law” is at issue) then ‘we’ (the people) are going to be without Concealed Carry instruction. If the “proposed changes” go through ‘we’ (IMFs Corp and ‘our’ affiliated/befriended CCH instructors) estimate that the price per person of a CCH Class will be somewhere around USD$250.00 and classes will be given only on the ‘absolute pre-determined (called pre-delivery) schedule’ proposed by “the government.”

The “stated purpose” of these “proposed changes”: stop fraud. “There may have been instances of [CCH] Instructors ‘selling certificates’.”

The “unstated but ‘known’ by all of us real purpose”: Kill CCH in NC. Make no one ‘want to’ give the classes except those that will charge so much for it that no one will pay to take a class. ( The irony here is that the ‘certificate sellers’ will just ‘mill/sell’ more certificates because no one can ‘get a class’. )

The ‘alt-far-right’ secret plot/plan/57-dimention-chess theory: This will ‘make sure’ that when (my opinion: Useless) Lt. Governor Mark Robinson “becomes Governor in 2024 we’ll get Constitutional (Concealed) Carry for sure!”

Round One: FIGHT!**

Request Legislative Review. As of the time of the writing of this web-log page, there are approximately five “Request for Legislative Review” letters “in the mail.”

Here is a Microsoft Word document that has the correct “format” for the “Rules” line. Please, download it, edit it to have your name and address, and mail it to the address on the form:

If TEN (10) are received by the N.C. Rules Review Commission “timely” (I am not sure what that means) the “effective start” will be removed/delayed until …? ( until ‘review’ is complete ) If ten are not received… nothing. We (the people) will have missed the “speak now or forever hold your peace” part.

Update: 3:07PM we have ‘confirmed’ mailing of at least the ten required. We are hoping that many more – perhaps hundreds – go in.

Round One-Point-Zero-One: FIGHT!**

If you want ‘to be heard’ you MUST submit “comment” to Michelle Schilling, Deputy Director, NCDOJ Criminal Justice Standards Division (Training and Research Section): mschilling@ncdoj.gov

Caution/Reminder: Keep your ‘comment’ completely professional. Hashtag-2A garbage, ranting and name calling will only result in: “we lose.”

Here’s mine: 2023_0702_RE_Proposed_Changes_NCCCH_Instructors_FINAL_NOPS (word) and 2023_0702_RE_Proposed_Changes_NCCCH_Instructors_FINAL_NOPS (pdf)

( I probably ‘should not’ have called “THEM/THEY” – all of NC-dot-gov “Tyrants”. But, I did. Because I truly and totally believe that to be true. I call it “The Tyranny of Stupidity.” That is “my experience.” )

Update: M. Schilling replied to my email on 07/05/23: Thank you, Mr. Wiley. I will ensure the Commissioners of the Planning & Standards Committee receive your comments.

Harvey E. Morse has made Great Efforts and allowed me/us to ‘preview’ his ‘comment’ document. When he ‘finalizes it’ and ‘authorizes it’ we will publish his here as well.

Update (a few hours later): I got Harvey’s permission to ‘publish’ the draft. Here it is in PDF format: Harvey Morse July 2023 Dear Fellow CCH Instructors DRAFT

( If you would like your ‘comment’ or name/count added to the “Sent in the Request for Legislative Review” please email to: info@imfscorp.com )

Round Two: FIGHT!! **

Attend “the meeting” on August 9, 2023.
10:00am at the

This meeting is for ‘comments and discussion’ about ALL of the “proposed changes” to ALL of the Administrative Codes. CCH (Instruction) is a ‘small portion’ of the proposed changes submitted for ‘hearing at the August 9 meeting’ this year. Be prepared: “politician(s)” are already advising that there will be “too many people to allow them to speak. They will ‘close’ the entire meeting or the ‘comment’ period.”

I am not 100% sure, but “I think” your only option for the “just in case, didn’t get a chance to be heard August 9th” problem is: to have sent the “comment” to Schilling (above) before the meeting.

Wear a “NO CCH CHANGES!” shirt or hold up a sign (small, like a ‘letter sized paper (8.5×11″)’) that says the same thing.

Round Two-Point-Five: FIGHT!! **

Contact your “state legislature(s)” and “politicians” including (That Useless, IMHO) Lt. Governor of “ours.” Send them your “COMMENT” document, flood their email boxes, call their offices. One “politician/elected” has already said that they will “try to have the Legislature do what is called ‘Technical Review’.” I am not sure what that means or is, but: Ask/Tell “your” reps about it.

Round Three: Court – There is no Round Three

If “all else fails” then: Court. I/we won’t be involved in that. I/we will accept that “our work here is finished” and the approximately 2,200 ‘students/participants’ we have had in our classes (of all kinds) is enough. “Manifest Destiny” or something like that.

If someone has not “made reasonable efforts” to “follow/exhaust the Administrative process” then that someone “has no ‘standing’ or ’cause'” in (or “before the”) court(s).

For “posterity”

On June 23, 2023 at 4:55PM (EDT) I received the following email and attachments from Robert N. “Bob” Overton (CCH Program Manager/Administrator)

Subject: Upcoming CCH Program changes and Acadis Update


Please see attached documents.


Bob Overton


Word Doc(x): CCH Code Changes and Acadis Update 6-23-23
PDF ‘save’ of above: CCH Code Changes and Acadis Update 6-23-23

CCH-2 Carry Concealed Handgun Course Pre-Delivery Form (06-2023)

CCH-3 Carry Concealed Handgun Course Post-Delivery Form (06-2023)

CCH-4 Carry Concealed Handgun Course Student Roster (06-2023)

*** July 17, 2023 Letter ***

I (Dean Wiley) sent a link or a PDF of copy of (below) to all of the people named in it.


***** Sept. 2, 2023 Update *****

September 2, 2023 “update” – Further “exhausting of the Administrative Process/Remedy”

Since this started (a little over 2 months ago “officially”) “they” have changed the instructions and removed the “template” from the “Rules Review Request Page”. Now: we MUST HAVE AT LEAST 10 of ‘the following’ types of “complete letters” sent in before October 1 (or 5 or 10 they are not “clear and unambiguous” here/there either). Now instead of Postal you can email as well to: mailto:oah.rules@oah.nc.gov

Here is a MS-Word document that you can download/save/edit and email yourself: 2023_0902_NCCCH_RulesReviewCommission_NoNotes

Here is what I sent (PDF): 2023_0902_NCCCH_RulesReviewCommission


I did not ask for – nor mention – “Constitutional Carry” because it is “rumored” that “all of the political will/currency for that has been spent or never existed in the first place.” (Or, that “they” are saving that to put a “W” in the Dash-R column “after Robinson becomes governor!”)


** No! I/We do not mean revolt, ‘unrest’, harassment of specific individuals in the ’employ of the government’, or any other form of violence, protest(eth) too much, and/or stupidity. We mean ‘exhaust the Administrative Process’ so that if ‘we’ end up going to court, we can be heard. The first part of a ‘legal (court) action’ against a/the government is: You must have exhausted (or made ‘reasonable efforts’ in) “the Administrative Process.” And: “I do NOT apologize Mark Robinson.” Show me something you’ve done “Useful” while “on my dime” and I’ll apologize.

“Busy Idiocy” is a term coined in a book about the lunatic ‘populace’ and their ‘local/state/colony’ (some times elected) Government in (Jolly Olde) England circa First-Third of the 1800s. Thaumaturgia (Or) Elucidations of the Marvellous by Oxonian, 1835.



Sat Sept 12 2020 A Day With Ed Mireles

On Saturday, September 12, 2020, we are pleased to be attending “A Day with Ed Mireles in Dunn NC”. We are also proud and honored to be asked to help promote it. (Hosting the PDF flyer below)

Ed Mireles is the FBI Agent that barely survived his “ending” of the April, 1986, FBI Shoot-Out (or Firefight) in Miami, Florida. After his retirement he published: FBI Miami Firefight – Five Minutes that Changed the Bureau.

Book signing 10:00AM – 12:00PM at Gunners Choice Outfitters in Dunn, NC. Seminar/Presentation 1:00PM “until” at 206 S. Wilson Avenue, Dunn, NC.

All of the details and google maps links to the locations in the following flyer (Adobe PDF document): EdMireles_Sept_12_2020_Dunn

More details about Ed Mireles, his book “FBI Miami Firefight – Five Minutes that Changed the Bureau” and his upcoming 2nd book at: https://edmireles.com/


Monday March 16 2020 NC PPS Armed Recertification

On Monday, March 16, 2020 we will be conducting a North Carolina Private Protective Services Firearms Re-Certification Class/Course. This is a four hour re-certification course for handguns ONLY.

We are starting at 10:00AM. Complete course schedule and requirements here (Adobe PDF document): 2019_1218_IMFs_PPS_Armed_Recertification_Requirements

The cost per participant/student:
– Re-Certification: $120.00 (includes $20 range fee to H2O Fowl Farms)

Contact IMFs Corp to sign up or for more information:
(910) 892 – 1616
(Do not contact H2O Fowl Farms, IMFs is the “coordinator” for this course.)

The classroom portion is being held at Consolidated Underwriters at their 206 South Wilson Avenue, Dunn, NC, 28334 location. http://goo.gl/maps/QR6KG

Range training and Qualification is to be at H2O Fowl Farms. This is an outdoor range. All early weather reports have cold (day 50s and night 40s) temperatures predicted with a 20%-40% chance of rain showers. Dress appropriately and bring water.

H2O’s website: http://h2ofowlfarmsnc.com/


Feb 22 2020 NC Concealed Carry Class

On Saturday, February 22, 2020 we will be holding a North Carolina Concealed Carry Handgun (CCH) class. One-Day CCH classes start at 8:00a.m. and finish (usually) by 5:30-6:00p.m. The price for this class: $90.00 if you use your gun and ammunition, $100.00 if you use ours.

This course is a Concealed Carry North Carolina Firearms Group effort (in cooperation with TradeHawker LLC, Fundamental Safety LLC, and Gunner’s Choice Outfitters) and was voted “Best of Harnett County – Concealed Carry Handgun Class” in 2019.

Join the Concealed Carry North Carolina Firearms Group on Facebook:


This class is being hosted by:
Consolidated Underwriters
206 South Wilson Avenue
Dunn, NC 28334
Google Maps (Short URL): http://goo.gl/maps/QR6KG
Please park in the back.

Join the facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/598254474057969/

Sign up at Gunner’s Choice Outfitters: 910-892-1699
106 Carolina Drive, Dunn, NC 28334

Here is a detailed flyer (PDF format): 2020_0222_NCCCH_Flyer

September 21 2019 NC Concealed Carry Class

On Saturday, September 21, 2019 we will be holding a North Carolina Concealed Carry Handgun (CCH) class. One-Day CCH classes start at 8:00a.m. and finish (usually) by 5:30-6:00p.m. The price for this class: $90.00 if you use your gun and ammunition, $100.00 if you use ours.

This course is a Concealed Carry North Carolina Firearms Group effort (in cooperation with TradeHawker LLC, Fundamental Safety LLC, and Gunner’s Choice Outfitters) and was voted “Best of Harnett County – Concealed Carry Handgun Class” in 2019.

Join the Concealed Carry North Carolina Firearms Group on Facebook:


This class is being hosted by:
Consolidated Underwriters
206 South Wilson Avenue
Dunn, NC 28334
Google Maps (Short URL): http://goo.gl/maps/QR6KG

Join the facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/230547294529703/

Sign up at Gunner’s Choice Outfitters: 910-892-1699
106 Carolina Drive, Dunn, NC 28334

Here is a detailed flyer (PDF format): 2019_0921_NCCCH_Flyer

February 24 2018 NC CCH Class

On Saturday, February 24, 2018 we will be holding a North Carolina Concealed Carry Handgun (CCH) class. One-Day CCH classes start at 8:00a.m. and finish (usually) by 5:30-6:00p.m. The cost is $90.00 if you use your gun and ammunition, $100.00 if you use ours.

This course is a Concealed Carry North Carolina Firearms Group effort (in cooperation with Fundamental Safety, LLC and Gunner’s Choice Outfitters).


This class is being hosted by:
Consolidated Underwriters
206 South Wilson Avenue
Dunn, NC 28334


Join the facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/392546487882083/

Sign up at Gunner’s Choice Outfitters: 910-892-1699
106 Carolina Drive, Dunn, NC 28334

Here is a detailed flyer (PDF format): 2018_0224_NCCCH_Flyer

October 15 2016 NC CCH Course

On Saturday, October 15, 2016 (in spite of Hurricane Matthew) we will be holding a North Carolina Concealed Carry Handgun (CCH) class. One-Day CCH classes start at 8:00a.m. and finish (usually) by 5:30-6:00p.m. The cost is $90.00 if you use your gun and ammunition, $100.00 if you use ours.

This course is a Concealed Carry North Carolina Firearms Group effort (in cooperation with Fundamental Safety, LLC).

In Memory of Gerald B. ~ CCH Class 1.16.16 ~ 3rd from left
In Memory of Gerald B. ~ CCH Class 1.16.16 ~ 3rd from left

This class is being hosted by:
Consolidated Underwriters
206 South Wilson Avenue
Dunn, NC 28334


Sign up at Gunners Choice Outfitters – 910-892-1699

Here is a detailed flyer (PDF format): 2016_1015_NCCCH_Flyer

April 23 2016 NC CCH Course

On Saturday, April 26, 2016 we will be holding a North Carolina Concealed Carry Handgun (CCH) class. One-Day CCH classes start at 8:00a.m. and finish (usually) by 5:30-6:00p.m. The cost is $90.00 if you use your gun and ammunition, $100.00 if you use ours.

This is our first ‘official’ class as part of Concealed Carry North Carolina Firearms Group (in cooperation with Fundamental Safety, LLC).

In Memory of Gerald B. ~ CCH Class 1.16.16 ~ 3rd from left
In Memory of Gerald B. ~ CCH Class 1.16.16 ~ 3rd from left

This class is being hosted by:
Godwin Law Office
111 East Broad Street
Dunn, NC 28334

Sign up at Gunners Choice Outfitters – 910-892-1699

Here is a detailed flyer (PDF format): 2016_0423_NCCCH_Flyer