February 24 2018 NC CCH Class

On Saturday, February 24, 2018 we will be holding a North Carolina Concealed Carry Handgun (CCH) class. One-Day CCH classes start at 8:00a.m. and finish (usually) by 5:30-6:00p.m. The cost is $90.00 if you use your gun and ammunition, $100.00 if you use ours.

This course is a Concealed Carry North Carolina Firearms Group effort (in cooperation with Fundamental Safety, LLC and Gunner’s Choice Outfitters).


This class is being hosted by:
Consolidated Underwriters
206 South Wilson Avenue
Dunn, NC 28334


Join the facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/392546487882083/

Sign up at Gunner’s Choice Outfitters: 910-892-1699
106 Carolina Drive, Dunn, NC 28334

Here is a detailed flyer (PDF format): 2018_0224_NCCCH_Flyer

September 3 NC CCH Course

On Saturday, September 3, 2016 (postponed due to Hurricane/Tropical Storm Hermine) Monday, September 5, 2016 we will be holding a North Carolina Concealed Carry Handgun (CCH) class. One-Day CCH classes start at 8:00a.m. and finish (usually) by 5:30-6:00p.m. The cost is $90.00 if you use your gun and ammunition, $100.00 if you use ours.

This course is a Concealed Carry North Carolina Firearms Group effort (in cooperation with Fundamental Safety, LLC).

In Memory of Gerald B. ~ CCH Class 1.16.16 ~ 3rd from left
In Memory of Gerald B. ~ CCH Class 1.16.16 ~ 3rd from left

This class is being hosted by:
Consolidated Underwriters
206 South Wilson Avenue
Dunn, NC 28334


Sign up at Gunners Choice Outfitters – 910-892-1699

Here is a detailed flyer (PDF format): 2016_0903_NCCCH_Flyer

May 7, 2016 Gun Powder Gals

It was my privilege and honor to work with this great bunch of Gals back in April (rained-out) and today at the Gun Powder Gals Women’s Only Practical Tactical Clinic.  Thanks to every one of you, and extra-thanks to Candy Sugarman.
~ Dean Wiley

Here’s the scores/results and complicated-technical “Stage Briefs” for their first timed event and two mini-match stages.  (Adobe PDF): 2016_0507_GunPowderGalsPracticalTactical

A few things to remember from our time together:

Women shoot better and can hold their guns out there longer because: “We hold babies [like that].”  Mystery demystified 🙂

When in doubt about what to do with your non-shooting (support) hand, put it over your heart / don’t put it near the gun.  No crossing thumbs, especially all the way behind a handgun.  No “support or bracing” (cup-saucer, elbows or arms set on a surface).  Seattle police shootout Dec. 2015 – 2:58-3:08 notice the 45-to-90 degree muzzle flip: https://youtu.be/OOycGq3R5Lk?t=2m54s

The Gun Powder Gals (Candy Sugarman):
Web: http://www.gunpowdergals.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/gunpowdergals

The shooting range we used was H2O Fowl Farms – hunting, shooting, 2nd Saturday IDPA matches, training/clinics:
Web: http://www.h2ofowlfarmsnc.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/h2ofowlfarms

Concealed Carry North Carolina Firearms Group:
Web: http://www.concealedcarrynorthcarolina.com/
Facebook (must be logged in): https://www.facebook.com/fundamentalsafety
— Dean Wiley:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dean.wiley.319
linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deanlwiley
— Patrick Riley:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/patrick.riley.393

And, now, I must end this – gotta go do mothers day stuff.  I thank you ladies again and wish you all Happy Mother’s Day!  Sorry for the long delay in getting this posted – got to “play date” with the Grands after our little thing yesterday and then Computers, internet, servers, the Great “Why Can’t I Just… Argh!” happened.
~ Dean, 5/8/16



March 26 2016 NC CCH Course

On Saturday, March 20, 2016 we will be holding a North Carolina Concealed Carry Handgun (CCH) class. One-Day CCH classes start at 8:00a.m. and finish (usually) by 5:30-6:00p.m. The cost is $90.00 if you use your gun and ammunition, $100.00 if you use ours.

IMO G. Bass ~ CCH Class 1.16.16
In Memory of Gerald B. ~ CCH Class 1.16.16


This class is being hosted by:
Godwin Law Office
111 East Broad Street
Dunn, NC 28334

Sign up at Gunners Choice Outfitters – 910-892-1699

Here is a detailed flyer (PDF format): 2016_0326_NCCCH_Flyer

February 20 2016 NC CCH Course

On Saturday, February 20, 2016 we will be holding a North Carolina Concealed Carry Handgun (CCH) class. One-Day CCH classes start at 8:00a.m. and finish (usually) by 5:30-6:00p.m. The cost is $90.00 if you use your gun and ammunition, $100.00 if you use ours.

This class is being hosted by:
Godwin Law Office
111 East Broad Street
Dunn, NC 28334

Sign up at Gunners Choice Outfitters – 910-892-1699

Here is a detailed flyer (PDF format): 2016_0220_NCCCH_Flyer

February 17 2016 NC CCH Course

On Wednesday, February 17, 2016 we will be holding a Mid-Week One-Day North Carolina Concealed Carry Handgun (CCH) class.

This mid-week “Gun-Fu” class was organized by and for:
Kokufuku School of Martial Arts
Karate – Tai Kwon Do – Aikido – Judo – Kardio Kick Fit
114 East Broad Street
Dunn, NC 28334
Link: google map
Link: Kokufuku on facebook
…and others who cannot attend a weekend class.

One-Day CCH classes start at 8:00a.m. and finish (usually) by 5:30-6:00p.m. The cost is $90.00 if you use your gun and ammunition, $100.00 if you use ours.

Sign up at Gunners Choice Outfitters – 910-892-1699

Here’s a detailed flyer (PDF format): 2016_0217_NCCCH_Flyer

January 16 2016 NC CCH Course

On Saturday, January 16, 2016 we will be holding a North Carolina Concealed Carry Handgun (CCH) class. One-Day CCH classes start at 8:00a.m. and finish (usually) by 5:30-6:00p.m. The cost is $90.00 if you use your gun and ammunition, $100.00 if you use ours.

Sign up at Gunners Choice Outfitters – 910-892-1699

Here’s a detailed flyer (PDF format): 2016_0116_NCCCH_Flyer

November 7 2015 NC CCH Course

November 6 Urgent Update:
This class is being moved approximately 2 blocks to:
Consolidated Underwriters
206 South Wilson Avenue
Details and map notice: 2015_1107_NCCCH_Moved

On Saturday, November 7, 2015 we will be holding a North Carolina Concealed Carry Handgun (CCH) class.  One-Day CCH classes start at 8:00a.m. and finish (usually) by 5:30-6:00p.m.  The cost is $90.00 if you use your gun and ammunition, $100.00 if you use ours.

There is limited seating in this one and we can only accommodate 7-8 people.

Sign up at Gunners Choice Outfitters – 910-892-1699

Here’s a detailed flyer (PDF format): 2015_1107_NCCCH_Flyer.pdf

Here’s a waiver and release if you want to get ahead on the paperwork (PDF fillable format): 2015_1107_NCCCH_IMFs_Waiver_Fillable

IALEFI at the Academy 2015

Firearms Instructors!NCJAlogo

The annual International Association of Law Enforcement Firearms Instructors ( IALEFI ) regional training conference at the North Carolina Justice Academy ( NCJA ), East / Salemburg Campus, is on Monday, November 9 and Tuesday November 10 this year.  No need to find a hotel, NCJA has very nice dorms available.

NRA LE instructors: these are not “just” excellent classes, they count towards your ‘required training hours’ renewal requirement.IALEFI

Events include:
• Vendor Displays
• Close Quarter Pistol *
• Reflexive and Red Dot Sight Systems *
• Tactical Shotgun Operation *
• Operating in Low Light Conditions
• Benelli Nova Armorer Course
Steel Targets – Fact and Fantasy
* = Live Fire, high round count

Scholarship Charity Challenge Mini-Match
Open to the public. **
Bring your eye and ear/hearing protection and your gear to the range on the afternoon of Monday, November 9.  The one-stage mini-match for the benefit of the IALEFI Scholarship Fund will be held again.  $5 for a single shoot, $20 to shoot five times.  12 rounds and one reload are required per run.

Usually three winners are selected to share a portion of the collected money.  This year there will be other prizes and all of the collections are going to the Scholarship Fund.  The winners are selected by dividing the sorted list of finished time-scores into three equal parts and picking the first name on each list.  October 12 Update: So far we have six trophies for match winners.  The top three will each get one, then the listed will be “folded” into quarters and the first name below the three folds will also get one.

** If you are a “qualified” shooter – Security, Law Enforcement, Corrections Officer, “Competition” (IDPA, USPSA/IPSC) or “match” shooter – please join us in this mini-NCJA Charity Challenge.  You do not have to be an Instructor or Conference Attendee to join us in this skills test and fund-raiser.  You do have to be qualified (please, self-assess) as there will be over 100 Firearms Instructors on hand to make sure you are safe.  You must be able to safely draw from your holster and reload.

2015’s Course of Fire (PDF): 2015_11_IALEFI_NCJACCmini

Join the Mini-Charity Challenge event on Facebook for the latest information:

If you are a Law Enforcement, Security or Military Firearms Instructor or Trainer and not yet a member of IALEFI, get signed up now at their web site: http://www.ialefi.com/
…and like/follow them on facebook:

October 12, 2015: “Steel Targets” has been cancelled and replaced with an 8-hour Benelli Armorer Course.  Forms below have been updated to reflect this change.

Here is an updated schedule and registration form:
Microsoft Word ‘compatible .doc’ version:
2015_0908_IALEFI_FirearmsInstructorConf2015_AllFixes.doc (link removed)
New 10/12/15: 2015_IALEFI_NCJA_October9Update
Adobe PDF version:
2015_0908_IALEFI_FirearmsInstructorConf2015_AllFixes.pdf (link removed)
New 10/12/15: 2015_IALEFI_NCJA_October9Update

You must also register at NCJA using the online system (see Number 2 under “Registration and Fee”):


August 20-22 2015 NC PPS Armed Course

Thursday, August 20, 2015 through Saturday August 22, 2015 we will be conducting our “Intense 2-3 Day” North Carolina Private Protective Services Firearms Training.


The course is designed to meet the 20-24 hour “minimum” requirements of “first time armed registrants” but also to allow re-certification on Day 2.

Complete course schedule and requirements here (Adobe PDF document):

The cost per participant/student:
– Full Course: $200.00
– Re-certification/Re-Qualification: $75.00
* The cost is lower for Absolute Contracting Services (ACS) employees.
* All fees must be paid by Wednesday August 19, 2015 to attend.

Contact IMFs Corp to sign up or for more information:
(910) 892 – 1616
(Do not contact ACS or H2O, IMFs is the “coordinator” for this course.)

This class/course is being hosted by Absolute Contracting Services at their 115 North Wilson Avenue, Dunn, NC location.

Range training and Qualification is to be at H2O Fowl Farms.  This is an outdoor range.  All early weather reports have heat warnings and advisories for August 21st and 22nd.  Dress appropriately and bring lots of water on “range” days.
H2O’s website: http://h2ofowlfarmsnc.com/

For security related work opportunities or to contract guards:
Absolute Contracting Services, Inc.
102-B East Broad Street
Dunn, NC 28334
(910) 892 – 2962