Efforts RE (now against) PPSB 2024 UAGT Notification

( By Dean Wiley March 16, 2024 – updated March 17 12:15AM )

Too Long Didn’t Read version

The Private Protective Services Board (PPSB) is “Proposing a change” to the Administrative Code that will require (exactly) FIVE DAYS notice “to the Director” before a “Unarmed Guard Class.”

The “Public Comment Period” about this change ends on April 11, 2024. Any one that has “thoughts” about this one way or the other should:

Send an email to PPSB Director Paul Sherwin as follows:
TO: paul.sherwin@ncdps.gov
SUBJECT: Proposed Changes to 0707
I am [for or against] the proposed change to “notification for in person classes”.
[any other information or reasoning]
Your Name (real names only please)
[ If you are a ‘regulated by PPSB person’ and want to give them that information, add it to your ‘signature block’ ]

Original Long Version Below (with a few ‘updates’)

As soon as the NCDOJ’s CJS Division got “shut down” about “pre-delivery reports” of notification of when and where classes were to be held: The North Carolina Private Protective Services Board (PPSB) decides to take a stab at it (in the back, in the dark, illegally ‘masked’ in a lie about terminology clarification).

see: http://imfscorp.com/july-2023-efforts-against-nc-cch-proposed-changes/

Here’s the “Proposed Rule Change” to Administrative Code 14B NCAC 16 (Rule) .0707 Training Requirements for Unarmed Security Guards Notice of Text and Public Hearing 14B NCAC 16.0707 (retrieved 03.16.2024 7:45A unchanged from original Jan? upload).

The “Public Comment Period” ends April 11, 2024

The “notice” (above) says that a Public Hearing was to be held February 20, 2024 at 2:00PM. This, too, is “in error” in violation of NC General Statute [§] 150B. The hearing can not be held two months before the close of “Public Comment”.

Here is my latest and last written “comment and objection” to the PPSB acknowledged by Director Paul Sherwin as “received”: 2024_0307_PPSB_150B_Comment_0707_ProposedChanges
( Word docx format if you want to modify it and submit it yourself: 2024_0307_PPSB_150B_Comment_0707_ProposedChanges )

TO: All Trainers; All Licensees; All potential “PPSB Regulated” people, especially those that “may” one day want to become a Certified Trainer

Send in your comments – IN WRITING! – and/or send in a WRITTEN DEMAND to be heard “by voice” before or during the April PPSB “meetings” (law/rules committee or full). If you don’t: you won’t have “legs to stand on” (exhaust the administrative process) after they “sneak” this five day (exactly) notification requirement through for your 16-Hour Basic or “Unarmed” courses.

= = =

( More ‘history’ and details from emails later )

Question: Why ‘fight’ this when you have always sent “Pre- and Post- Delivery (Notification) Reports” for your Armed Courses?


  • Notification was required for ‘gun’ classes when I signed up to be a Firearms Trainer. I “went into it” fully knowing.
  • Notification has never been required for Basic or UnArmed classes/courses.
  • Notification for Basic classes/courses has never been discussed as an “unofficial” idea seeking public – including in-industry “private people and business effected in a burdensome way” – input.
  • The Board (members that are also ‘committee members’ of CJS Division) seeks to “intrude and interfere” in Private Commerce for (I truly believe) utterly immoral, illegal, unlawful, and/or “just stupid” reasons**.
    ** Licensee Board members “stealing” names of Trainers and other Licensees and/or Companies’ employees and other “industrial espionage”. Government intrusion and interference (tyranny) for “the sake of it; because we can.” Stupid = (as stated in my Comment and Objection letter above) The inclusion of “in-person” class notification may be a “typo.”
  • The Board is not now – and never will be – “invited or allowed” to “audit” my/our classes because my/our classes adhere to the letters of the law and code and ‘use’ their materials – with much more time spent pointing out “flaws” (dangerous mis-informations/mistakes, nonsense, typos, impractical/unrealistic “guidance”, misstatements of law [see power of arrest, assistance to LE, stricken 1989]) that all of the Board (many years, members and staff) don’t seem to notice or care about. My/our classes are delivered from a “We have to know this stuff because the Board will ‘quiz’ us on it” but “We have to be able to use the time to also ‘teach’ some real-world practical PRIVATE business realities” not from a “Good enough for government work as a government ‘instructor'” mentality.
  • The Board “may not” intrude upon “private business” in some misguided idea of “surprise audits”. (See NCCCH “nipped in the bud” above) I “pay for” the seats in my classes (room rent, sometimes per seat/person), and the Government CAN NOT “just show up” and cost me/us extra money. Even if they “could” – We would require them to PAY for their ‘seat’ in the class and sign a “personal” (not government agency” GUARANTEE that they won’t use the “real, correct information” received in our class to “fix” the above “errors” in their materials and/or “improve their position or pay or status at the PPSB as an employee without crediting and paying appropriate contract fees and royalties.” We already do – and always have – PAID (for) THEM to make this mess. They are not going to “steal” in the name of “audit” a way to “look less incompetent and apathetic.”

( Again, more later, I have to go to a Train-The-Trainer ‘meeting’ for UAGTs. 8:19AM 3.16.2024 )

April 11-13 2021 NC PPSB Armed Full and Re-Certification Course

Sunday, April 11, 2021 through Tuesday, April 13, 2021 we will be conducting a North Carolina Private Protective Services Firearms Certification Class/Course. This is a TWENTY classroom hours certification course for handguns (no shotgun or rifle training). Day 3 – Monday – includes recertification for handguns.



The starting time for all three days (Sunday-Tuesday) is: Eleven (11:00) A.M. and all days start at the classroom. Sunday and Monday “classroom” will end at approximately Seven (7:00) P.M. – Seven-Thirty (7:30) P.M. depending on participants “meal break” time.

Complete course schedule and requirements here (Adobe PDF document): 2021_0411_IMFs_PPS_Armed_3DayCourseOutlineRequirements

All full-course participants MUST have ALL of their equipment (guns, holsters, magazines, flashlights, belts) ready to train with at 11AM on Sunday April 11. We begin “practical” training IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT bring live ammunition into the “classroom”.

The cost per participant/student is starting at the “3-4 participants” discount rate because of self-paying guards and company/self-paying guards from Black Box Security ( https://blackboxsecurity.us/ ) and Lolair Protection Agency ( http://www.lolairprotectionagency.com/ ):
$220.00 $195 (includes $20 range fee to H2O Fowl Farms) for full certification
$120.00 $120 (includes $20 range fee to H2O Fowl Farms) for recertification
See our NCPPS[B] page.

( * ) Range set-up and clean-up including “at least as much brass/cases as we shoot” is required. If you don’t want to clean-up including picking up brass bring $20.00 more for “range fee” to pay someone else to do it for you. If you don’t want to pay more or set-up and clean-up: Get your PPSB certification some where else.

Contact IMFs Corp to sign up or for more information:
(910) 892 – 1616
(Do not contact H2O Fowl Farms, IMFs is the “coordinator” for this course.)

The classroom portion is being held at Consolidated Underwriters at their 206 South Wilson Avenue, Dunn, NC, 28334 location. Please park in the rear of the building. http://goo.gl/maps/QR6KG

DO NOT bring live ammunition into the classroom. -= NO BULLETS!! =-

Range training and Qualification is to be at H2O Fowl Farms. This is an outdoor range. Dress appropriately and bring a lot of water.

H2O’s website: http://h2ofowlfarmsnc.com/

March 27-29 2021 NC PPSB Armed Full and Re-certification Course

Saturday, March 27, 2021 through Monday, March 29, 2021 we will be conducting a North Carolina Private Protective Services Firearms Certification Class/Course. This is a TWENTY classroom hours certification course for handguns (no shotgun training). Day 3 – Monday – includes recertification for handguns.


This course was put together for 2nd and 3rd shift ‘basic’ or ‘un-armed’ certified and registered guards. The starting time for Saturday and Sunday is: Twelve (12:00) P.M. The classroom starting time for Monday is: Eleven (11:00) A.M.

Complete course schedule and requirements here (Adobe PDF document): 2021_0327_IMFs_PPS_Armed_3DayCourseOutlineRequirements

All full-course participants MUST have ALL of their equipment (guns, holsters, magazines, flashlights, belts) ready to train with at 12PM on Saturday March 27. We begin “practical” training IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT bring live ammunition into the “classroom”.

The cost per participant/student is starting at the “5 or more participants” discount rate because of self-paying guards from St. Moritz and company/self-paying guards from Black Box Security ( https://blackboxsecurity.us/ ) and Lolair Protection Agency ( http://www.lolairprotectionagency.com/ ):
$220.00 $170 (includes $20 range fee to H2O Fowl Farms) for full certification
$120.00 $100 (includes $20 range fee to H2O Fowl Farms) for recertification
See our NCPPS[B] page.

( * ) Range set-up and clean-up including “at least as much brass/cases as we shoot” is required. If you don’t want to clean-up including picking up brass bring $20.00 more for “range fee” to pay someone else to do it for you. If you don’t want to pay more or set-up and clean-up: Get your PPSB certification some where else.

Contact IMFs Corp to sign up or for more information:
(910) 892 – 1616
(Do not contact H2O Fowl Farms, IMFs is the “coordinator” for this course.)

The classroom portion is being held at Consolidated Underwriters at their 206 South Wilson Avenue, Dunn, NC, 28334 location. Please park in the rear of the building. http://goo.gl/maps/QR6KG

DO NOT bring live ammunition into the classroom. -= NO BULLETS!! =-

Range training and Qualification is to be at H2O Fowl Farms. This is an outdoor range. Dress appropriately and bring a lot of water.

H2O’s website: http://h2ofowlfarmsnc.com/

March 25-26 2021 NC PPSB Basic 16 Hours

Thursday, March 25, through Friday, March 26, 2021 we will be holding a 16 Hour Basic (unarmed) North Carolina Private Protective Services (Board, PPSB) Certification Class/Course. Both days we will begin at 12:00pm and end at approximately 8:30pm. This is the 16 hours of training required by the PPSB to get registered as an unarmed (or basic) security officer.

This is a ‘private, invite only’ class arranged between IMFs and Black Box Security ( https://blackboxsecurity.us/ ) and some self-paying/self-certifying guards.

Participants must bring their own note keeping supplies.

This course is being held at Consolidated Underwriters at their 206 South Wilson Avenue, Dunn, NC, 28334 location. Please park in the rear of the building. http://goo.gl/maps/QR6KG


Jan 18-22 2021 Full Week of NC PPSB Training

Monday, January 18, through Friday, January 22, 2021 (with Sat Jan 23 as a ‘backup’ range day) we will be holding a full week of North Carolina Private Protective Services (Board, PPSB) Certification Classes/Courses. Every day except Friday we will begin at 10:00am and end at approximately 7:00pm. Friday’s Schedule is below.

Pricing can be found here: http://imfscorp.com/nc-private-protective-services/

St. Moritz Security Services is sending enough guards through that the “Five or More” rates are going to be extended to all who attend any of the training.

Monday-Tuesday January 18-19 “Basic”

Monday and Tuesday will be the “Security Officer in North Carolina” course. This is the 16 hours of training required by the PPSB to get registered as an unarmed (or basic) security officer. We will start at 10:00am both days. The address and link for the location of the classroom is below.

Participants must bring their own note keeping supplies.

Wednesday-Friday January 20-22 “Armed”

Wednesday through Friday we will be conducting the TWENTY classroom hours certification course for handguns ONLY. Friday will be an Armed Re-Certification Course (4 classroom hours and range qualification) as well as the completion of the ‘Full’ course.


Wednesday and Thursday we will start at 10:00am and finish at approximately 7:00pm. Participants MUST have all of their equipment on Wednesday morning. We start “practical” training FIRST. Book, theory, nomenclature and law are all done after or during “practical” training.

On Friday, January 22, all armed participants (full and re-certification) should arrive at the classroom at 10:00am. After 4 hours (minimum) of ‘classroom’ (The Legal Module) we will go to the range for Day and Night qualification attempts. Complete requirements for armed training are here: 2021_0120_IMFs_PPS_Armed_3DayCourseOutlineRequirements

Due to the ammunition shortages (Coronavirus and Riots) the PPSB has authorized the use of the 30-Round Day and Night Courses of Fire (COF). It is up to your employer if they will accept those.

St. Moritz employees: 30-round COF will be allowed for Re-Certification ONLY. New certifications are required to shoot the “standard” 50-Round COF.

The cost per participant/student listed at our PPSB page does NOT include:
– $20 range fee to H2O Fowl Farms
* The more that attend, the lower the individual cost. See our NCPPS[B] page.

Contact IMFs Corp to sign up or for more information:
(910) 892 – 1616
(Do not contact H2O Fowl Farms, IMFs is the “coordinator” for this course.)

The classroom portion is being held at Consolidated Underwriters at their 206 South Wilson Avenue, Dunn, NC, 28334 location. Please park in the rear of the building. http://goo.gl/maps/QR6KG

Range training and Qualification is to be at H2O Fowl Farms. This is an outdoor range. Dress appropriately and bring water. Early weather forecasts predict VERY COLD and a chance of precipitation.

H2O’s website: http://h2ofowlfarmsnc.com/

Oct 27-29 2020 NC PPS Armed Full and Re-Certification

Tuesday, October 27, 2020 through Thursday, October 29, 2020 we will be conducting a North Carolina Private Protective Services Firearms Certification Class/Course. This is a TWENTY classroom hours certification course for handguns (no shotgun training). Day 3 – Thursday – includes recertification for handguns.


Starting time for all three days is: Ten (10:00) A.M.

Complete course schedule and requirements here (Adobe PDF document): 2020_1027_IMFs_PPS_Armed_3DayCourseOutlineRequirements

All full-course participants MUST have ALL of their equipment (guns, holsters, magazines, flashlights, belts) ready to train with at 10AM on Tuesday October 27. We begin “practical” training IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT bring live ammunition into the “classroom”.

!!! Hurricane Zeta !!!

Hurricane Zeta (as of Oct 26 1:31PM) is forecast to bring heavy rain to the area Wednesday and Thursday. Full Course participants: be prepared to do range qualifications on Wednesday, October 28. We will notify recertification participants as the “remnants” of Zeta move closer to the area what we will do about recertification if the range is “rained out” on Thursday. If it is to be a “wash-out” both days we will notify everyone of the new recertification/range day ASAP.

Arrow (tip) is approximately where the range is. Click/Tap the image for a WRAL article.
Arrow (tip) is approximately where the range is. Click/Tap the image for a WRAL article.

The cost per participant/student:
– $220.00 (includes $20 range fee to H2O Fowl Farms) for full certification
– $120.00 (includes $20 range fee to H2O Fowl Farms) for recertification
* The more that attend, the lower the individual cost. See our NCPPS[B] page.

( * ) Range set-up and clean-up including “at least as much brass/cases as we shoot” is required. If you don’t want to clean-up including picking up brass bring $20.00 more for “range fee” to pay someone else to do it for you. If you don’t want to pay more or set-up and clean-up: Get your PPSB certification some where else.

Contact IMFs Corp to sign up or for more information:
(910) 892 – 1616
(Do not contact H2O Fowl Farms, IMFs is the “coordinator” for this course.)

The classroom portion is being held at Consolidated Underwriters at their 206 South Wilson Avenue, Dunn, NC, 28334 location. Please park in the rear of the building. http://goo.gl/maps/QR6KG

DO NOT bring live ammunition into the classroom. -= NO BULLETS!! =-

Range training and Qualification is to be at H2O Fowl Farms. This is an outdoor range. Dress appropriately and bring a lot of water.

H2O’s website: http://h2ofowlfarmsnc.com/

Sep 1-3 NC PPS Armed Full & Re-Certification

Tuesday, September 1, 2020 through Thursday, September 3, 2020 we will be conducting a North Carolina Private Protective Services Firearms Certification Class/Course. This is a TWENTY classroom hours certification course for handguns (no shotgun training). Day 3 – Thursday – includes recertification for handguns.


Starting time for the first two days is: Ten (10:00) A.M. On Thursday, September 3, we will begin at Eleven (11:00) A.M.

Complete course schedule and requirements here (Adobe PDF document): 2020_0901_IMFs_PPS_Armed_3DayCourseOutlineRequirements

All participants MUST have ALL of their equipment (guns, holsters, magazines, flashlights, belts) ready to train with at 10AM on Tuesday September 1. We begin “practical” training IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT bring live ammunition into the “classroom”.

The cost per participant/student:
– $220.00 (includes $20 range fee to H2O Fowl Farms) for full certification
– $120.00 (includes $20 range fee to H2O Fowl Farms) for recertification
* The more that attend, the lower the individual cost. See our NCPPS[B] page.

*** August 24 Important Update see ( * ) ***

Lolair Protection Agency ( http://www.lolairprotectionagency.com/ ) is sending four “full course” participants and a Security Officer from Black Box Security ( https://blackboxsecurity.us/ ) has made arrangements on his own for re-certification. Because of them the “five or more” rates apply to everyone.
$170.00 (includes $20 range fee to H2O Fowl Farms*) for full certification
$100.00 (includes $20 range fee to H2O Fowl Farms*) for recertification

( * ) Range set-up and clean-up including “at least as much brass/cases as we shoot” is required. If you don’t want to clean-up including picking up brass bring $20.00 more for “range fee” to pay someone else to do it for you. If you don’t want to pay more or set-up and clean-up: Get your PPSB certification some where else.

Contact IMFs Corp to sign up or for more information:
(910) 892 – 1616
(Do not contact H2O Fowl Farms, IMFs is the “coordinator” for this course.)

The classroom portion is being held at Consolidated Underwriters at their 206 South Wilson Avenue, Dunn, NC, 28334 location. Please park in the rear of the building. http://goo.gl/maps/QR6KG

DO NOT bring live ammunition into the classroom. -= NO BULLETS!! =-

Range training and Qualification is to be at H2O Fowl Farms. This is an outdoor range. Dress appropriately and bring a lot of water.

H2O’s website: http://h2ofowlfarmsnc.com/

Dec 18 2019 NCPPSB Armed Recertification

Wednesday, December 18, 2019 we will be conducting a North Carolina Private Protective Services Firearms Re-Certification Class/Course. This is a four hour re-certification course for handguns ONLY.

We are starting at 10:00AM. Complete course schedule and requirements here (Adobe PDF document): 2019_1218_IMFs_PPS_Armed_Recertification_Requirements

The cost per participant/student:
– Re-Certification: $120.00 (includes $20 range fee to H2O Fowl Farms)

Contact IMFs Corp to sign up or for more information:
(910) 892 – 1616
(Do not contact H2O Fowl Farms, IMFs is the “coordinator” for this course.)

The classroom portion is being held at Consolidated Underwriters at their 206 South Wilson Avenue, Dunn, NC, 28334 location. http://goo.gl/maps/QR6KG

Range training and Qualification is to be at H2O Fowl Farms. This is an outdoor range. All early weather reports have very cold (day 40s and night 20s) temperatures predicted. Dress appropriately and bring water.

H2O’s website: http://h2ofowlfarmsnc.com/



Nov 2-4 2019 NC PPSB Armed Course

Saturday, November 2, 2019 through Monday, November 4, 2019 we will be conducting a North Carolina Private Protective Services Firearms Certification Class/Course. This is a TWENTY classroom hours certification course for handguns and EIGHT classroom hours for shotgun course.  Day 3 – Monday – includes recertification for handguns.


Complete course schedule and requirements here (Adobe PDF document): 2019_1102_IMFs_PPS_Armed_3DayCourseOutlineRequirements

All participants MUST have ALL of their equipment (guns, holsters, magazines, flashlights, belts) ready to train with at 9AM on Saturday.

( The pricing below reflects the “5 or more” participant pricing because Lolair has “covered” that cost. )

The cost per participant/student:
– $170.00 (includes $20 range fee to H2O Fowl Farms) for full certification
– $100.00 (includes $20 range fee to H2O Fowl Farms) for recertification
– $50.00 for shotgun certification
* The more that attend, the lower the individual cost. See our NCPPS[B] page.

Contact IMFs Corp to sign up or for more information:
(910) 892 – 1616
(Do not contact H2O Fowl Farms, IMFs is the “coordinator” for this course.)

The classroom portion is being held at Consolidated Underwriters at their 206 South Wilson Avenue, Dunn, NC, 28334 location. Please park in the rear of the building. http://goo.gl/maps/QR6KG

DO NOT bring live ammunition into the classroom. -= NO BULLETS!! =-

Range training and Qualification is to be at H2O Fowl Farms. This is an outdoor range. Dress appropriately and bring a lot of water.

H2O’s website: http://h2ofowlfarmsnc.com/

Oct 16-18 2019 NCPPSB Armed Full and Re-certification course

Wednesday, October 16, 2019 through Friday, October 18, 2019 we will be conducting a North Carolina Private Protective Services Firearms Certification Class/Course. This is a TWENTY classroom hours certification course for handguns ONLY. Day 3 – Friday – includes recertification for handguns.


Complete course schedule and requirements here (Adobe PDF document): 2019_1016_IMFs_PPS_Armed_3DayCourseOutlineRequirements

All participants MUST have ALL of their equipment (guns, holsters, magazines, flashlights, belts) ready to train with at 9AM on Wednesday.

This class is being sponsored/hosted by:
Lolair Protection Agency
Raleigh, NC
(855) 756-5247
Looking for work in the security field in NC?
Want or need security officers?
Contact Lolair Protection Agency.

( The pricing below reflects the “5 or more” participant pricing because Lolair has “covered” that cost. )

The cost per participant/student:
– $170.00 (includes $20 range fee to H2O Fowl Farms) for full certification
– $100.00 (includes $20 range fee to H2O Fowl Farms) for recertification
* The more that attend, the lower the individual cost. See our NCPPS[B] page.

Contact IMFs Corp to sign up or for more information:
(910) 892 – 1616
(Do not contact H2O Fowl Farms, or Lolair Protection Agency, IMFs is the “coordinator” for this course.)

The classroom portion is being held at Consolidated Underwriters at their 206 South Wilson Avenue, Dunn, NC, 28334 location. Please park in the rear of the building. http://goo.gl/maps/QR6KG

DO NOT bring live ammunition into the classroom. -= NO BULLETS!! =-

Range training and Qualification is to be at H2O Fowl Farms. This is an outdoor range. Dress appropriately and bring a lot of water.

H2O’s website: http://h2ofowlfarmsnc.com/